About Me

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Hi! My name is Patty aka SUNSPOTPP. I am presently a SAHM to my 4 yr. old grand daughter, Autumn, whom I adopted Dec. 12, 2008. I am 6 hrs (2 classes) away from my Associates Degree as a Drug/Alcohol Counselor, but had a set back in my health and have had to put that on hold for now. I have been PSP'ing for about 7 yrs. PSP is a GREAT stress reliever for me and I try to play as often as I can. Oh yeah, I live in Dublin, TX in the wonderful USA, home of the "Original" Dr Pepper that still uses "Imperial pure cane sugar"! If you want to know anything else, just ask! ♥ Me
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Monday, August 17, 2009

PostHeaderIcon I'm Baaaaaaaaack

Hello again my friends Okay, so I have been a bad bad blogger again, well not totally 'cuz the main reason I haven't been here still goes back to my previous post...got a virus/trojan, had to buy not 1, but 2 new PC's (don't ask), attempting to rebuild ALL of my lost PSP stuff, recover from a hysterctomy, and THEN my forum went down! So yeah, things have been a little crazy trying to rebuild and then get my site back up and running!

I can now proudly say that we are back up, running, and having lots of fun!I am still having problems on the homefront with my son, but as I always say, this too shall pass, as long as I...

Sooooooooooooo, please stay tuned and bear with me as I attempt to change my layout and hopefully have a tut or two up before too long .
Peace & Love

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